In this episode, I’m very pleased to welcome Sarah Turner, CEO of Angel Academe, the UKs most active and longest-established female-focussed network of angel investors. Sarah describes the problem she wanted to fix, why she chose a business as her platform for doing something with a big philanthropic element, how they contributed to changing the conversation around gender in tech startups and startup funding, and what her long term ambition is. Join me for this informative and practical episode.
What we knew but weren’t saying
In this episode, I’m very pleased to welcome Fiona Czerniawska, CEO of Source Global Research. I’ve known Fiona since before she founded Source and have enjoyed watching it grow over the years, becoming the definitive source of data and insight on the consulting industry and professional services more broadly. Fiona talks about how they knew they needed to think more deeply about their purpose and how they went about it. She also describes their fast, flexible approach to strategy implementation – an approach directly linked to their purpose, which many organisations could use. Join me for an informative, engaging, and insightful discussion.
Purpose - a CEO needs one
I’m very pleased to welcome Alyson Watson, CEO of Woodard and Curran. In this episode, Alyson shares with us their journey to articulate their purpose and then use that to develop a strategy that responds to the deep uncertainty businesses are facing. She describes the inclusive approach they took to get understanding and buy in, as well as some of the challenges in taking this approach. She also describes the way they embedded the strategy into the organisation, which required a few unexpected changes. Join me for this informative and inspiring episode.
They step up to the plate
CEO Maddy Phipps-Taylor describes the challenges Eva Health Technologies faces as an innovator and disruptor in the medical records space. She talks about how she navigates the potential tensions between her personal purpose, the organisation’s purpose, and the expectations of their various stakeholders. She also discusses the practical impact for their customers and themselves of moving their technology to the cloud.
The first 10% of the journey
In this episode, I’m very pleased to welcome Richard Wazacz, CEO of Travelex. In addition to describing how he sees the links between shareholders, purpose, and culture, he discusses their different approach to transformation, which combines the speed and agility of a start-up with the scale and impact of global player. He also talks about how he ensures he stays on track with their strategy. Join me for a frank, pointed, and informative discussion.
Behind the curtain
In this episode, I’m very pleased to welcome Marcia Philbin, CEO of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine. She takes us “behind the curtain” to describe the engaging process and practical tools she used to involve multiple stakeholder groups in developing a new purpose and values for the organisation. She also talks about how this has contributed to her own personal and professional growth and development.
As brilliant as they can be
In this episode, I’m very pleased to welcome back Mark Inskip, CEO of Matrix SCM. Mark shares how the business has developed over the last several months and how he aims to get a return on the investment they have made so far around their purpose. He also describes how he deals with his own Friday six o’clock list: all those things you just don’t get around to in the working week.
Nice and easy
In this episode, I’m very pleased to welcome Mike Lord, Chairman and CEO of Stiltz Lifts, back to The Purposeful Strategist. He shares with us how their continued growth has helped them more fully realise their purpose of fun, freedom, financial. He also describes what they’ve put in place make it easy for the whole organisation to know where they are going and how they are going to get there.